Sunday, April 5, 2009

Latest events~~

SpOrTs d@y!!!

- Got up freaking early!!
- Reached school at 6.30!! @_@
- Helped the cheer. girls tie a high ponytail...
- Practiced cheer steps...
- Help with make up... ( did the eye liner )
- Practice again =.=
- Went out to watch marching
- Practiced cheer AGAIN!
- Green house cheer ( one person injured arm till cannot move apparently )
- My house cheer ( PURPLE!! )
- Red house cheer ( was getting ready for run )
- Yellow house cheer
- Last year's champ.. Blue house cheer!
- lotsa stuff going on...
- ....
- .....
- .......
- Purple got 2nd placing overall..=.=".. lost by 4 points to yellow! AAARRRGHH!!

That was like the schedule for sports day which was on the 3rd of April.. A Friday..=.=... Apparently from what I heard from my girl friend, a lot of people did not recognize me with my hair all tied up high and with make up... hmm... is it cause I looked SUPA U.G.L.Y or what.. ^^ but guess I looked different ^^ I think they will faint when they see me with dance make up which is way way way darker and thicker than what I did on sports day.. @_@

Saturday and Sunday...

As per usual...

:+: Su_mEi :+:

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