Well, I have been thinking since I don't talk much fantasy on this web, I guess I will stick to something more down to earth ^^ Why I chose the title SeP3r@+e W0rLd$ ?? Guys, read the small words la. " Close your eyes. Imagine Fantasy. Open your eyes. See Reality."
The separate worlds I am talking about in the title are the two worlds everyone lives in. Everyone lives in Reality. Yet everyone lives in Fantasy. There are some things people refuse to accept in life and how do they deny them? They merely run away from them by imagining something they would rather see or feel or wtv ( you know what I mean and do not deny it cause you do it too... ADMIT IT!! ) So this comes to the reason my bloggie's add is "2worlds-through-2eyes..."Cause... we have 2 eyes... unless you tell me you have three or something ( this excludes special people )we have 2 eyes... as i was saying.. so with these 2 eyes... we see things we wish would happen and things that actually happens.. so we see reality and fantasy.. FULL STOP!! ^^ that's all the explanation i can give you guys!!
LOV3 YA!! :+: Su_mEi :+:
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